Thursday, 21 July 2016

Notepad Reader App

Do you need a notepad app to readout your note to you in your language? The solution is here, download the notepad reader app today at

Monday, 4 July 2016

Pastor Chris Ministers to the Sick with a Special Anointing

There was a definite change in the auditorium as the man of God, Pastor Chris, entered the auditorium, ushering in an atmosphere of power to cause changes. 

Shouts of joy and celebration filled the air as miracles began to take place: HIV, cancer, asthma, sickle cell anaemia, migraines, heart diseases, kidney failure, arthritis, diabetes and a myriad of other diseases bowed to the name of Jesus.

With a word, a touch, a breath of the anointing, sickness and death were banished forever under the ministration of the Holy Ghost. It was indeed a time of celebration; many who came into the service sick rejoiced at the healing, restoration and transformation that had taken place in their lives. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Hallelujah!